As the director of editorial at Tracksmith I had a privileged but highly responsible role where I was able - and expected - to highlight, celebrate and promote the full diversity of the running community. 

See our Strides, by Shanze Shah
Highlighting the issues of female muslim runners, particularly in light of London 2022 being in the fall, when typically it is in the spring which clashes with Ramadan, making training very difficult.

Emi Perry’s Rise to Elite Sport
Adaptive sport is an outlier in the world of amateur athletics, but it's true that able-bodied amateurs have a lot in common with their peers in Paralympic events. When writer Emma Zimmerman approached with the idea of featuring wheelchair racer Emi Perry, I leapt at the chance to feature her. Visually Sean Greene's photos really add to the piece, providing an interesting justaposition of wheels and linear movement on a track where we are more used to seeing runners.

No Man Left Behind
Running with the Black Men Run group in New York City. I recruited photographer Shawn Pridgen to shoot this project as he had been on Tracksmith's Fellowship program and had a strong interest in Black masculinity and sport. The authenticity of his interest comes across in the photos, and writer Sarah Gearhart approaches this community with the approach of listening and amplifying their voices.